MLM Business Trainer Cindy McAsey Announces Prosperity Automated System as a New Business Marketing Tool
Released on = January 31, 2007, 9:16 am
Press Release Author = Barefoot in the Garden
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = Key Secrets to Success, the right tools in your Marketing tool box. The Prosperity Automated System is a great tool for the business professional that doesn't have the time to learn marketing on the internet, but wants a piece of the booming internet business gold rush.
Press Release Body = You probably know a key secret to success is working smarter not harder by having the right tools in your toolbox. For Cindy McAsey the Prosperity Automated System (PAS) is one of those tools. Anyone who follows Cindy's marketing methods knows that she does a lot of "Attraction Marketing." In the past few months she has attracted several Corporate Business Professionals. Cindy said, " I was really struggling with a business model that would fit for these professionals in the short amount of time they had to devote to a online business."
If you are one of those lucky people who has worked with Cindy McAsey you will know that once she decides to make something work she will find a way. Cindy said, " I don't know if it was sheer luck that I came across PAS or if I attracted it to me. Either way PAS is perfect for the business professional that doesn't have the time to learn internet marketing, but wants a piece of the internet gold rush."
The Prosperity Automated System (PAS) is a one up commission program that allows you to market your primary MLM business at the same time. PAS combines the best of offline advertising together with online marketing and advertising to put together proven ad packages. With these ad packages PAS can offer their members group rates that before only big corporations with large advertising budgets would have access to, making this the perfect advertising and marketing tool for the small business owner.
At the helm of Prosperity Automated Systems is the former fortune 500 company executive, Bill Osterhout. Bill sums it up this way, \"By enhancing this innovative business model with our powerful 200% Money Back Guarantee, we have created the perfect online business for new and experienced marketers alike.\"
"Have you ever seen the online movie, What the Wealthy do on Payday by Tim Sales? Well this is a perfect example of one of the business investments the wealthy make. They don't buy stuff like the average person they buy investments that will make them money not cost them money they will never get back. This is a sound business investment that you can't go wrong with," says Cindy McAsey
Take the full tour... watch the \"tells it all\" movie and decide for your self if you are ready to work smarter and not harder, a Key Secret to Success.
To learn more about PAS, the sound business marketing tool contact: Cindy McAsey at 888-272-6701 or visit
Web Site =
Contact Details = Cindy McAsey 1845 Flag Rd. Abilene , 67410 $$country
888-272-6701 mcasey@shakleeoffice.con
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